Sunday, August 30, 2020

Aristocrat Reborn in Another World Ch. Idle Talk 3


Idle Talk 3 - Cain's Great Adventure

This was when Cain was still in Gracia territory.

In the days when the tutor didn't come, Cain took the opportunity to read numerous books in his room.

After just defeating two monsters the other day, his level went up to 8 and he could feel that his strength had increased.

Cain was worried in his room about what he should do because he was not allowed to leave the mansion alone.

「That's right! As long as I come back right away, I should be able to go to the forest!」

With that one phrase, a long-range teleportation(Long Warp) and short-range teleportation(Short Warp) skill were created.

He prepared his equipment in his room and chanted a spell.

『Long-range Teleportation(Long Warp)』

The surroundings changed in an instant and suddenly Cain was standing on the grass outside the outer walls, where Miri and Nina trained him.

「I should not be too far from the forest now」

Cain readies his sword and casts Search.

The magic power spreads thin and wide around him. Thanks to the fact that he has a significantly different amount of magical power than other people, he can grasp everything that happens around up to 1 kilometer.

He goes straight into the forest.

Due to the high concentration of magical elements, the amount of monsters and their strength is totally different from that of other forests.

This is why Gracia territory is crowded with many adventurers. And the prey that the adventurers hunt and bring into the territory ends up flowing to the royal family.

「Ooh. There's a reaction... To the north, huh? There's quite of few there」

Cain headed in the direction of the reaction. The destination was a goblin village.

After taking a look, the number was about fifty. There were also some higher-ranking species wearing leather armour and sword in hand.

I poured magic power on the sword. I rushed to them at once. Every time I swing my sword, heads separate from goblin bodies. Having noticed me, the higher-ranking species that are near the biggest building started pointing their swords at me.

The goblins started coming towards me wielding their swords in a wide manner. Using my martial arts skills, I shift my body to the side in an instant, dodging their swords and then I swing mine. A goblin's right arm is slowly being separated from its body.


The moment the goblin starts screaming while holding its right arm, that goblin's head separates from its body.

After that, Cain kept cutting the goblins coming at him. Cain was engrossed in wielding his sword, and the next thing he knew, the goblins in the settlement had been wiped out.

He felt a little sick seeing the pile of dead goblin corpses. Goblins were humanoid monsters about the size of children. As expected, seeing the guts spread around made him nauseous.


Cain regained his composure by casting a magic on himself.

「Fuu. I didn't have any particular problem with goblins」

Once the blood falls when I shake the sword, I return it to its sheath. Then, I pull out a short sword and start extracting the magic stones from their chests. Monsters have magic stones embedded in their chests. The size of the magic stone depends on the strength of the monster. A goblin's magic stone is about the size of a little fingernail. The collected magic stones are placed in the item box

I used earth magic to make a hole and put the goblins in it and then burned it with magic.

「If it's like this, I can still continue. Let's go a little deeper」

Saying that, Cain proceeded to go deeper.

After that, he continues to move forward as he eliminates the herds of orcs and ogres

Every time he fights, Cain feels power flowing through him.

As he went deeper in the forest, he could feel a large mass of magic power.

「I've never felt such kind of magic power until now. Let's go take a look」

He began to walk in the direction of the large magic power.

What was there, was a wingless earth dragon.

「Ooh. A dragon. So, it's called earth dragon because it has no wings, huh~」

Using Short Warp, Cain positioned himself above the earth dragon in an instant. That way, with a flash of the sword imbued with magic power, the head fell down.

「As expected, Short Warp is surely convenient. The ability to create an opening in an instant is huge」

Cain put the headless earth dragon directly into the item box and went further into the forest.

As he went deeper, Cain found a rocky mountain and in one part of it, there was a cave. The trees around were withered, it gave the feeling like someone had gone berserk there.   

I used Search to check the interior.

A strong magical reaction came from deep inside.

「Oh, there's something inside. It looks stronger than the earth dragon from before」

He cast a light ball(Light), and continued to advance through the cave. The inside of the cave was scattered with bones from who knows what, as if the inhabitants of the cave had devoured them.

As I continue to feel the magic power, I continue to go deeper. There seemed to be only a strong monster and nothing else.

As he continued advancing relying on the light, he found himself in a large plaza.

And there 'it' was.

Its whole body was red, and even if it had its wings folded, it was about eight meters in size.

A dragon was right there.

The dragon immediately looked at Cain. Sharp eyes as if it had found a prey.

As soon as it raised its neck, it opened its mouth, and a compressed fireball came flying.


Cain quickly evades it and prepares his sword. Then, he shortened his distance with a short warp and struck its neck with his sword.

「As expected, the strongest combo continues to be the Short Warp along with the sword imbued with magic power」

The dragon who lost his head falls as it is. He then places the severed head in his item box and goes to investigate the room. There was a passage behind the place where the dragon was, so he continued to move forward carefully.

At the interior of the room, there was a colorful treasure of gold and silver.

「They often say that dragons like shiny things, and it seems to be true. I will gratefully keep them for my future」

Then, all the treasures that were there were stored in Cain's item box.

When he came out of the cave where the dragon was, the sun was starting to set.

「This is bad. I have to get home before they realize I'm gone」

He casts a Long Warp and returns to his room in a moment.

He takes off his armor and changes into ordinary clothes. At the same time, he casts a livelihood magic to clean his body.

「I should be fine now~ I've beaten a lot of monsters today, so I wonder if my level has risen? Last time I saw it, it was 8, wasn't it? 『Status』」



 【Race】Human 【Gender】Male 【Age】Five Years Old

 【Titles】Margrave's third son / Reincarnated person / Apostle of the gods /  Natural enemy of the forest of monsters / Dragon Slayer





  ーStrength SSS

         ーStamina SSS

  ーIntelligence SSS

  ーAgility SSS

  ーMagic power SSS


  Creation Magic Lv.10

  Fire Magic Lv.10

  Wind Magic Lv.10

  Water Magic Lv.10

  Earth Magic Lv.10

  Light Magic Lv.10

  Dark Magic Lv.10

  Space-time Magic Lv.10

  Livelihood magic

  Compound Magic


  Appraisal Lv.10

  Item Box Lv.10

  Martial Arts Lv.10

         Body Skills Lv.10

         Physical Resistance  Lv.10

         Magic Resistance Lv.10


  Blessing of the God of Creation Lv.10

  Blessing of the God of Life Lv.10

  Blessing of the God of Magic Lv.10

  Blessing of the God of Earth Lv.10

  Blessing of the God of War Lv.10

  Blessing of the God of Skill Lv.10

  Blessing of the God of Commerce Lv.10


「Isn't this too much? This status is becoming harder and harder for me to show anyone!」

Cain regretted a bit.


  1. "Cain regretted a bit."
    Only a bit...

    1. You can never have enough stats~

    2. Until you accidentally destroy the world

    3. Farting so hard that you accidentally destroy a village because of all the buffs

  2. If Cain destroys a country by mistake, Imma laugh like crazy

  3. I just hope he never feel a need to sneeze.

  4. that cheat for you, not only he got 100x exp multiplier he also got 100x stats for each level up..


Aristocrat Reborn in Another World Ch. 46

  Volume 2  - Boyhood Chapter 16 - The three adventurers The three got into the carriage and headed to Illustin Federation. 「I still can'...